Revolutionizing Global Health Impact Investing
Dr. Curt LaBelle has been investing in healthcare companies for over 18 years, and now serves as the Managing Partner of the Global Health Investment Fund
Dr. Curt LaBelle has been investing in healthcare companies for over 18 years, and now serves as the Managing Partner of the Global Health Investment Fund
Private Equity International – GHIF aims to invest $20m more in health tech by year-end, September 6, 2016 [The Global Health Investment Fund profiled, Curt LaBelle quoted]
Bloomberg Radio – The Bloomberg Advantage: LaBelle on Social Impact on Medicine, October 5, 2016 [Curt LaBelle appeared on Bloomberg Radio to discuss impact investing and GHIF]
Cheddar TV – November 11, 2016 [Curt LaBelle appeared on Cheddar TV to discuss the latest cholera vaccine news and GHIF]
Barron’s – How to Make Money With Impact Investments, December 13, 2016 [GHIF profiled, Curt LaBelle quoted]
Columbia Business School Centennial -Investing in a Healthier World, December 19, 2016 [Curt LaBelle profiled]
WOR Radio – Financial Quarterback, January 29, 2017 [Curt LaBelle appeared on WOR Radio to discuss portfolio company activity, the healthcare space, and GHIF].
Bloomberg Brief – Impact Fund Targets Health Care Solutions for Under a Dollar, March 30, 2017 [Curt LaBelle featured in a Q&A and discussed portfolio company activity
Fox News Radio – Investment Fund Providing Financing for Health Care, April 17, 2017 [Curt LaBelle appeared on Fox News Radio to discuss impact investing
Bloomberg Reports – Best of sustainable finance (page 16), June 2017 [Curt LaBelle and interview with a Bloomberg reporter was included in a Bloomberg report]