Meet our Team


Curt LaBelle, MD, MBA


Curt LaBelle has been investing in and working with healthcare companies for two decades. As the Founding Partner and Chair of Global Health Funds, Curt oversees the private investments portfolio, actively investing the AXA Prime Fund and serving as Managing Partner of the pioneering Global Health Investment Fund, where he continues to generate attractive financial returns while delivering life-changing therapeutics and diagnostics worldwide for conditions such as cholera, cataract-induced blindness, snakebites, tuberculosis, HIV, and postpartum hemorrhage. Curt holds a dual MD/MBA degree from Columbia University.

Location: New York City, United States


Zina Affas Besse, PhD, RPh

Managing Partner, Private Investments

Zina Affas Besse brings over 20 years of life science investment and operational experience to GHF, where she advises the private investments portfolio. She started her career at law firm Shook Hardy & Bacon, worked with Euromedica and then moved to venture capital investing with Atlas Venture as a member of the firm’s Life Sciences teams in London and Boston. She then worked with biotech startups developing drugs in several therapeutic areas, as a consultant or as an executive in charge of business development. Zina earned her Infectious diseases medicinal chemistry PhD and pharmacy degrees from the University of Nottingham.

Location: London, United Kingdom


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Ami Kemppainen, MBA

Managing Partner, Public Investments

Ami Kemppainen brings extensive experience as a pioneering manager of long-only funds using ESG screens and in-person visits in emerging markets. At GHF, he is focused on the public investment portfolio. Ami continues to serve as Chairman at Terra Nova Capital Advisors, where he is a founder and an advisor to the top decile performing EVLIEmerging Frontier fund. Ami has experience ranging from start-ups to listed entities, and holds an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Location: Espoo, Finland


Cameron Irby


Cameron Irby brings his experience in valuation and transaction advisory, having consultedhundreds of companies for purposes related to mergers and acquisitions, deferred compensation, financial reporting, and raising venture capital. These companies have ranged from pre-revenue startups to publicly traded entities. Cameron graduated with a B.S. in Finance and in Marketing from Westminster College. He also holds a Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) credential from the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts.

Location: Salt LakeCity, United States



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Susan MacDonald, MD

Senior advisor

Susan MacDonald is one of the country’s most experienced trainers for cataract surgery. She has trained hundreds of U.S. physicians through her work at Tufts, and is now focused on training surgeons in low-income countries in her quest to address cataract-induced blindness.

Location: United States


Mark Sullivan

Senior advisor

Mark Sullivan is the Managing Director of Medicines Development for Global Health. Following a distinguished career in drug development at Gilead, Mark turned his attention to the needs of the developing world and started MDGH to develop drugs targeting neglected diseases. He has also served as the Chief Operating Officer of the Australian Thai HIV Vaccine Consortium at the University of New South Wales, as well as lecturer at Melbourne Business School. Mark has led the efforts to get moxidectin approved for onchocerciasis (River Blindness), which could lead to the eradication of the disease. He holds a Bsc in Biochemistry, Microbiology and Dietetics from Deakin University.

Location: Melbourne, Australia

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